
Where to Begin

Welcome to the new Grovecrest Art Curriculum!

Thank you for volunteering as an art parent.  We are very excited to have you with us as we make some exciting changes this year.

This is how the new program will work:

1. Schedule a monthly time with your classroom teacher when you can come teach an art lesson. Each lesson will take about one hour. Please plan accordingly to be able to start on time (already having picked up your supplies and set up in the classroom).

2. Decide what lesson you will teach first. There are six lesson plans for each grade that can be found on this website. There is no particular order in which they need to be taught. Most teachers like to begin in October. This gives you one extra month where you can pick your own lesson. (Maybe you have a fun idea for a holiday lesson in December? Or you can refer to the 30 lessons found at for more ideas). This also leaves May without a lesson. There is so much going on this month, I have found most teachers like to wrap up in April.

All six lesson plans for each grade are available on this website (or will be soon). You can review them here and print them if you'd like. There is also a hard copy available for check out in the art supply room. Please remember these lessons are copyrighted. Do not share them outside of Grovecrest art parent volunteers.

3. Gather supplies needed for the lesson. On the first page of each lesson plan there is a "supplies needed" section. Don't forget to pick up the children's picture book (K-1) or art poster (2-6) that goes along with each lesson. These will also found in the art supply room. Some lessons have some special precut items. We have already precut these for you, but don't forget to pick them up in the art supply room bookshelf.

On the bookshelf in the art supply room, there is a container of “What I learned today slips.” Please pick up one of these that coordinates with each lesson you teach. Instruct the class to glue the slip onto the back of the project before you begin.

Also on this bookshelf will be any “precut items” that will be listed on your lesson.

Please return all supplies and especially the hard copy lesson plan (if you checked it out) so it will be there for the next volunteer to use.

4. Teach your lesson. Remember to have lots of enthusiasm. Heavily praise and encourage the students to make them feel like they can create anything! If you are having fun, they will too! The lessons are easy to follow and the kids will think you are a pro no matter what your level of art skill.

One thing to remember, you are "the teacher" during this hour. Even though the regular teacher will most likely be in the room, you are in charge of keeping the class at attention, and quieting them down when needed.

5. When your lesson is complete, encourage the classroom teacher to display the student's projects in the hallway or above their desk.

6.Clean up. Please return all your art supplies, posters, books, lesson plans, etc. to the art supply room. Try to leave the containers organized like they were when you found them.

7. Feedback. Let me know what is working for you and what isn't. I really want to make this a great experience for the volunteers, classroom teachers, and especially the students. After all, you are giving your personal time here and I want to make sure it is worth it for you! If you have any suggestions, please contact me at Thank you!!!

One more thing: In preparation for the spring Arts Extravaganza night, we will need each parent volunteer to collect one piece of artwork from each child in their class. The student can choose their favorite piece, but we need you to be responsible for getting one from each student before this special night next spring. There is a file cabinet in the art supply room where these can be kept.