Sunday, September 4, 2011

Coffee Filter Watercolor

Age group: K - 2nd
Supplies Needed:
Coffee filters (3-4 per student).  These are not available in the art supply room, but quite inexpensive
            and one package comes with a couple of hundred filters.
Bright Colored Markers
Scissors, crayons, paper.

This was our last project of the year on the same day as our party.  Since it was one of the last days of school... and a party, we didn't have too much structure and instructions, just a lot of creative fun. 

Each student received 3-4 filters and colored them with makers.  They could do any designs, making sure to use a lot of color and not leave much white space. 

Next, we dripped 2-3 small drops of water on each filter and watched the magic as the colors expand and run together.  (We used small droppers that I own.  You could also use medicine droppers, or just have the students dip their finger in a cup of water and sprinkle the water on the filters, but make sure to only get 2-3 drops.  If you get to much, the filter will become so wet it may tear). 

After they dried for 5-10 minutes, the student's cut their filters into shapes, glued them to a background sheet, and colored details on the paper.  They turned out quite nice.

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